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[681] 少し分かち合う遊び生地小さい技巧を無霜雪新浪ブログ...
お名前: ijkl8684 [li609-103.members.linode.com] http://www.emeraldsurf21.com/rentalinfo/images/down-jackets-outlet-5009.html 2015/2/6/(Fri) 02:58
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[680] How to face the office small circle Heart explorat...
お名前: tuvw2854 [li609-103.members.linode.com] http://www.camaroclubkc.com/images/_vti_log/bottega-veneta-sayihu-t-8005.html 2015/2/6/(Fri) 02:01
we often see some people in the workplace everywhere "popular", some people are everywhere runs into a wall. Suppose you work ability are the same, then the fundamental cause of the differences is "doing ability", and this one can deal well with all kinds of "circle", it is one of the essential elements of successful business.

wrote an article / Xiao Zhenyu (Institute of psychology China organization and employee Promotion Center)

people often complain that tissue inside the internal friction is too large, we take the difference work energy spent for infighting on the. Can't set a what kind of mechanism, completely avoid the formation of what faction or faction within the organization?

can't remember what a great man in what place said such a sentence: "where there was left in the right." Although the context of that time not very strong political color to some, but in the office workplace, sometimes also do have to consider some "office politics" thing. For example, as they say, all the local people, not necessarily all of one mind, but there may be a variety of "circle" or "faction", if not properly deal with the influence of work, afraid of small things, and not job security is really in trouble.

In an interview with

when a organizations continue to grow,ティンバーランド ブーツ http://www.humboldthr.com/images/_vti_log/timberland-boots-outlet-17.html, because a person management people and things are limited, leaders can't do everything, and therefore must be set up under the various departments, such as what the administration department, finance department, personnel department...... And so on, these members within the Department because the work content homogeneity, coupled with the beginning of the budget of bonus distribution when the interests involved, the Department's natural will form a "circle". For a simple example of a business there, people in marketing and R & D department people at lunch time and never sit close. The R & D department put the man who had no customer need the technology high paying market people there believe that R & D people there and that the marketing department person in order to achieve sales target, regardless of the technical feasibility of customer promises...... This naturally occurring along with the expansion of the size of the Organization Department of the conflict, and it is an important part of the so-called "big company disease". Then, from the organizational structure perspective, formed from among different departments and different attributes of conflict of interests from the root of office circle.


causes a circle: the large-scale organization of natural product

we say this is a good idea, but it is impossible. When a company or organization or government department or,ミュウミュウ店舗 http://www.beasport.com/champions/class2a1a/miumiu-bags-outlet-8.html, if in the start-up phase, a total of ten person, manager or staff, everyone I see, you want to find out what the "circle" can not be.

/ Zheng Li


circle personal experience and interest in

Cause two: differences in
[679] 傑出した英豪紅岩の第四季の進級決勝エリートランキン...
お名前: pqrs0550 [li609-103.members.linode.com] http://www.salondeguitare.com/Guitar_Classical/C149/asicsrunshoesjp-1338.html 2015/2/6/(Fri) 02:00

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