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[2401] 新手法としてレベルの新しい味麦わら餅孫朱朱新浪のブ...
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[2394] Lolita Li Qin and star Milo private secret new lif...
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not only Winston Chao Li Qin is concerned about, to play each actor there to take care of, "even if the scene is not 'father', he would stand aside to rival actors take play, even if the opponent is playing a very small role."


Winston Chao 's most loved grab her doll

relative "Milo", Li Qin prefers to call Winston Chao "Dad", because in the two play Cooperation ("watch the sky" and "daughter return"), she played the father and Winston Chao. In the eyes of Li Qin, the "father" the same childlike in private: "I am in the" daughter "in return had lots of dolls props, shooting gap,http://www.laramiecountyrepublicanparty.com/events/mcm-japan-t-105.html http://www.laramiecountyrepublicanparty.com/events/mcm-japan-t-105.html, 'Papa' will take my doll took all kinds of funny photos, still dressed in the play 'Mom' s high-heeled shoes company. Sometimes I read comic books, he would sneak up to me and grabbed my comic said: 'come, we take a photo of it!' He told us to take photographs of the gesture with his micro blog hair the same, funny, a variety of sell sprout!"

the most "Milo"

to select maximum age but most will act loving star "Milo", said Winston Chao second, first no one recognized. "Zhao Shushu" is the micro-blog uutv "Kuso king", return to life, 53 years old this year, if he really so "Network KUSO kid like" love? In this regard, in cooperation with Winston Chao two movie Li Qin has the right to speak.

"daughter return" in Li Qinyou 900 play, 110 days of shooting period she only 3 days rest, the movie, every day Winston Chao came to comfort her: "my daughter, hello poor Oh, to shoot so many play every day, you must hold on!"

a movie filmed, Li Qin impression of Peter Ho most is his whole person state is very young, "he is very fond of sports, especially basketball, 'basketball is mylife' is his pet phrase. He also likes to take pictures, to Switzerland while filming, he will hold the camera, was cast dubbed 'camera control'. Then I thought, why 70 after 90 after him with my idol drama completely not to take? I think he likes to exercise, the hobby is widespread, young at heart, Qi to go there is a relationship of supernatural powers!"

in the eyes of Li Qin, Winston Chao also has a side of affinity, love to take care of people, "" Papa "character of super good, super bright, even every day, then hard work, he still will maintain the relaxed state,http://www.quantequsa.com/services/brand-watches-p-41.html http://www.quantequsa.com/services/brand-watches-p-41.html, this state can be infected to cast each person. To the Mid Autumn Festival, will he please eat moon cakes. Back from Taiwan, he will give everybody to bring pineapple cake!"

film and television drama Winston Chao is always a gentle image, put aside the funny side, sell sprout, the real him exactly have gentility role? In response, Li Qin said: "really have that!" She said, because not accustomed to reading simplified Chinese characters, Winston Chao has been using the hand copied the script to >
[2393] Meet what person is very important occupation care...
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revolutionary youth Marius noticed that cosette. For him, this is a pair of mysterious father, attract his is not only the father of mysterious atmosphere emitting body, is that pretty girl eager to courtship and showed with strongly suggestive of aura. Marius possessed a day to go to the park, try various devices to close to the girl. They convey the medium is air, that is to say, before he had time to say to her,ボッテガヴェネタ 店舗 http://www.larotec.com/new/pdf/bottega-veneta-outlet-234.html, they would have been hell-bent fell in love with.

Hugo is roughly like this: a young woman, the first male youth love is important. She knew nothing about him, only rely on the appearance or the facial features, communication, just heart dark Xu, as long as a suitable opportunity, they will burst the tsunami feelings. This male youth quality determines the quality of her first love, and will change her life direction to a great extent, meet a honest man, will live a dull and stable life, met little rascal, will all day immersed in regret depressed......

remember to read this story and Hugo's feeling, I thought for a long time. On the one hand is the admiration of Hugo is worthy of the masters can be so transparent place out the nature of love produced where the hand is for man assumptions -- men would be much love change? In their conscious of time to fall in love with a woman, feel that they are in turn let life a person? He may change a person's fate and that both task?

young people love very easily so, in silent listen to thunder, to imagine CNOOC vows union. When dreams come true, the next is to use realistic to make up for the previously established in the imagination of love in the attic, to those who imagine one by one into reality. Hugo used a lot of space in the description of the two young people fall in love, but the key is not here, the focus is on him to lend the story expressed his view on love.

for most young man, love is love, love in the beginning is not think so much. Their action is more than the idea that during this period, even if half the time in considering how to live with her, the daily necessities, I'm afraid fight son, a passion of love have been put off half of it.

ran · Valjean with daughter Cosette live escape the trace of life, they can only go for a walk in the park in a fixed period of time, the daughter of carrying his father's arm, or to accompany the father sat on a bench in the park. This in itself is very eye-catching, father nervously watch out for "around the harbour evil designs" of young men, and love at the beginning of adorable daughter is always trying to escape from the father's supervision under the person's arm, hide in the lover's arms.

Maybe God is so arranged that love is a battle, a man and a woman meet >

love is born in misunderstanding and not understanding, the more I think so, this finding is not fresh, because a very long time before someone said, "love begins with misunderstanding died of understanding". The reason is because accented sing the same old song,ルイヴィトン アウトレット http://www.penangplace.com/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-5216.html, "les miserables", found that Hugo once very deeply about the truth.
[2392] Phoenix America and Taiwan Ceng Shiping vice direc...
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's daughter

came to the Phoenix is a second job Ceng Shiping deputy director of life, her first job as a civil servant, do quite well, less than 30 had been cadres, was listed at the time called the focus on training and promotion of the "third echelon", but when work in the same position on the 10 years, knowledge depletion feeling more and more intense, more is to do a good job, the more I get knowledge sleepy, which makes more and more eager to have department to be supplemented and further learning opportunities, this desire for recharging, let her heart have a kind of want to change the throbbing,ルイヴィトン アウトレット http://www.penangplace.com/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-5123.html, want to change a way to life. In a friend's recommendation, Ceng Shiping and boss Mr. Liu Changle met, the day they joined the Beijing Zijin hotel at the time of Phoenix TV predecessor Lotte Company.

, a 15 year old girl, because of historical reasons, become a small old educated youth, at that time, really very helpless. But the times bring her pain, time also made her. The countryside eight years experience, let that little youth got life first exercise. Let Ceng Shiping formed the good quality hard, let her do what things are full of expectation, and persevere own beliefs.

affinity Phoenix

was beginning to grow up

has been deputy director said, at the beginning like Phoenix, "Sha Jia Bang" in the lyrics as "the eight or nine man, seven or eight gun" all meetings every day to night, from each unit of "sea" of the large and small cadres to do nothing, to the structure of the company, the program settings, to typing reception,シャネルバック新作 http://www.wvldc.org/images/_vti_log/chanel-nihon-outlet-45.html, there is no trivial matter, as do all thing in the. She said that her mother was hospitalized, she daily work during the day, night to go to the hospital to care for the elderly, do not know how they are adhering to come, but later want up to think that is a very memorable time. Zeng Tai long remember the boss said a celebrity's words: "badly beaten in the face of the fate of the touch, never look back." This sentence until now still deep in the brain was director, said she often encountered difficulties, she would think of this sentence, think of initial adherence, as if a kind of invisible force has been pushed >

speaking of that time, Ceng Shiping vice director will tell you a belong to her own memorial day, that is fifteen in July, at that time, she will be full of expectation for the time every year, in the sight of the front of the confusion, a school of thoughts are like a lighthouse, guiding her life the initial channel. Because of this belief, she has always insisted on learning, and finally in 1978 July, with good result was admitted to Zhongshan University Department of Chinese local second, she changed her own destiny by their own efforts, merged into the advance of the times of the flood, and create a new era.

people say "home is where the heart is put", the vice president of America and Taiwan Ceng Shiping, Phoenix is where she "put" heart, was her home.

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