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[251] Fairy land of idyllic beauty Greece Corfu Shu howe...
お名前: klmn6794 [li611-114.members.linode.com] http://www.modescrystalfashions.com/images/dolcegabbana-3014.html 2015/1/26/(Mon) 06:49

Corfu is one of several islands in the western Greece, Greek, is the second largest island of the Ionian sea. The island of lush vegetation, is full of olive trees. During the day, to see to the neighbor Italy white cruise leisurely across the blue sea. At night, the room can across the view of darkness and rugged mountains, it is Albania. It is long and narrow, looking at the map, like a surfaced beautiful mermaid: the north is a long haired man, the south is the one in the water to put the fish tail. The island of Corfu and the origin of the name of an ancient legend, is said to love fairy Corcyra and Poseidon Poseidon,http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-content/gallery/banner/bottegaveneta-1639.html http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-content/gallery/banner/bottegaveneta-1639.html, and brought her to the island of Corfu, taking her name Kerkyra named the island.

off the plane, a warm wind put me in my arms, take a deep breath, warm it instantly to. The stretch of the olive tree, in the sunshine, free as a bird. Corfu airport is small, the average hourly flight. The airport has one runway, and extends into the sea, the plane landed at the moment, as if into the sea, the surprise and fear of the language used to describe the feeling I can not only be personally on the scene, people will understand this language pale.

and I are always looking for a, has the sea, not cold places to settle down. When the plane in Corfu, in Greece, towards the sea landing that moment, I knew, I found that dream a thousand times place, it is just like a mermaid world outside Wonderland Greece corfu. Corfu is a myth, and the most beautiful beach, in the evening,http://www.penangplace.com/graph/montblancpenshop-2619.html http://www.penangplace.com/graph/montblancpenshop-2619.html, quiet beach is the lover's paradise.

fairy land of idyllic beauty Greece Corfu island

ran / photo

1861 Austrian Sissi first set foot on the island of Corfu, there was love at first sight and decided to build a palace on the hill overlooking the bay to reside. In 1889 she finally dream come true, and built a palace, and in her favorite Greek hero Achilles name. The white palace art beautiful, hidden in the forest. 10 Mousika looked indifferent, ionic colonnade goddess before Appollo grace; and Hermes, Art Mies and the goddess Aphrodite the goddess of hunting, standing on both sides, in the garden path in which, like a fairy garden, celestial pole.

[250] 「夢」とケネディ宇宙センター喜行は撮影新浪のブログ
お名前: ijkl2652 [li611-114.members.linode.com] http://www.wedgegroup.com/issamgrah/sunglassesjapan-2413.html 2015/1/26/(Mon) 06:48



002.NASA --アメリカ航空宇宙局の略.

紛争2 .ソビエト連邦発射した衛星、それぞれ95分月週回一週間で、当時のアメリカ新聞の記事.


007 .工場に入って、あちこちの大きい工場、書いているNASA.


014 .にショップ、ロケットの第二節、大きいのはとても.

005 .アメリカ宇宙開発事業の提唱者で、当時のジョンケネディ大統領.


004 .ここで地球はちっぽけ.

013 .ケネディ大統領が強力に提唱発展の宇宙開発事業.

003 .家に入ると、地形の模型、観光客の一般的な概念.ここは主に3項内容:ロケット;2は宇宙船;3はスペースシャトル.

2011 . 1部のフィルムを見学の幕:アメリカ発展されソビエト連邦宇宙は当時の刺激の結果.

006 .宇宙センターはフロリダのケープカナベラル、ここは海に近くの細長い小島、許さない一般に入るな.大きな大きなところで、少し牧場のような感じ.

018 ,アディダス 店舗 http://www.itcc.or.th/product/images/adidasshoesjp-1239.html.ロケットの尾翼>

001 .はフロリダのケネディ宇宙センター距離オーランド都心約50分の道のりを借りたshuttlebus、私は80ドルと、500元.には丸い夢.図を入口の宇宙飛行士の造型.

009 .運搬ロケットの大型装甲車、キャタピラ人より高い,ボッテガヴェネタ 財布 http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-content/themes/banner/bottegavenetawalletjp-2533.html.


[249] フランス・ヴェルサイユ宮殿、ヨーロッパ王宮の最も美...
お名前: defg1040 [li611-114.members.linode.com] http://www.mertonaran.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/chanel-baggu-outlet-15005.html 2015/1/26/(Mon) 05:16
この座は世界的に有名の皇室の宮殿と芸術界の人間綺麗な宝石に分かれて宮殿や花園の2部分(本文は主に紹介の宮殿の部分、ガーデン部分もう再発信).遡及ヴェルサイユ宮殿の歴史は、17世?にはルイ14世が建設.宮殿でものを軸に、南北対称.敷地約110万平方メートルで、建築面積は11万平方メートルを超え、シャンパンとクリーム色の膨大な宮殿群にレンガを固めて、雄大で壮観で、500間正殿小ホール、装飾立派で堂々として、魅力的で.壁面とスタイルや色の大理石敷いて、各種のレリーフ壁画輝く、精緻なきらきら光る派手;ランプアクセサリー、贅沢に節度がない,腕時計 http://www.quantequsa.com/services/brand-watches-p-19.html.装飾は慣用の人形が彫刻のほかに、多くの動物を運用して、例えばトビ、ライオンとキリンなど、高貴で荘厳;天井には半円アーチ、半球形ドーム、飾多く迫真油絵と浮き雕り、真に迫っていて、指先にロイヤル風格.走行中、あちこち見られる様々な世界各地からの珍宝、美しい絵と芸術品と比べて珍しい、ルーブル美術館に勝るとも劣らない、人と感嘆フランス皇族と当時の生活な博物館の中で.




ヴェルサイユ宮殿見学は、花園、宮殿での主要な景観のあまりにも集中する主宮殿の二階.分布海格立斯庁、王家小さな教会と国王接見庁;豊作庁、保管して歴代国王の褒章や宝物収蔵ところ;ビーナス庁」とも呼ばれて金星庁;ダイアナ庁とアルテミス庁、いろんなところである磁器装飾;マルス庁、別名の戦神庁や火星庁;墨丘利庁、別名の水星庁や御ベッド庁;アポロ庁、別名の太陽神庁は、フランス国王の御座庁、装飾はきわめて豪華さ、美しい.戦争庁、庁内の飾りを反映スペインルイ14世徴服、ドイツ、尼?蘭などの功績の油絵,ルイヴィトン アウトレット http://www.merced-ac.com/fireonice/_vti_log/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-25006.html;鏡庁、鏡
[248] 白先勇:わたしが借り昆曲の1筋の魂famous新浪のブロ...
お名前: qrst9970 [li611-114.members.linode.com] http://www.silvaspastry.com/images/_vti_log/coach-baggu-pop-outlet-17.html 2015/1/26/(Mon) 05:15


p>白先勇<作家は、取材に対し書く人で話し、作品が,ルイヴィトン 激安 http://www.jolidesign.ca/vinylarts/splash/Louis-Vuitton-outlet-8.html.昆劇のボランティアとして、彼はより最大の根気と精力で直面して公衆は、?春版『牡丹亭』を演じた7年、彼はみんなに言って昆劇情、美、話した7年.




p>と<が昆劇、白先勇は非常に喜んで、あら、美たまらない、目尻や頬染め眉尻も興奮の?赤.2007年、?春版の『牡丹亭が完成した第100回公演.もともと約束演じる満100回、白先勇返還書房、執筆活動を続け.しかし今すぐを演じるのは200場、白先勇は一刻も休まない.白先勇感慨、自分は作家ではなく、昆劇界の人、どうなったか旗手,シャネル 財布 http://www.impactglasswall.com/images/chanel-baggu-outlet-35001.html.??祖ありがとう私は、『牡丹亭』と『レイズ記』は、私が代わりに生き返る.
[247] The church wedding eve Sina blog
お名前: mnop8934 [li611-114.members.linode.com] http://www.humboldthr.com/images/_vti_fla/bottegaveneta-1822.html 2015/1/26/(Mon) 05:09
the bride is a white, a pair of Taiwan couples out slowly from the dressing room. The church to go toward the sea.

presided over the wedding priest dressed in a red gown, like also like to wear red Chinese bride.

groom seemed satisfied,http://www.modescrystalfashions.com/images/chanelbagsjp-1905.html http://www.modescrystalfashions.com/images/chanelbagsjp-1905.html, although not happy match not on the mouth, but apparently blase.

I was not satisfied with the bride the marriage, or is she today I feel unhappy, to make a long story short, the whole wedding period, can not see a trace of a smile.

the man in the teachings began to give the woman wearing the ring.

Philippines began to use music to welcome their appearance.

rainbow church membership of Pacific IslandsClub hotels, in addition to have numerous water recreation facilities, of course, the most proud of their church is the rainbow.

the new people in Philippines carry a lot of gifts just go to the elevator, they just water church wedding.

the priest with a gentle tone to regular course of official duties to ask questions. The bride and groom answered by English softly.

English, Japanese, Korean three languages of the wedding ceremony of single. The priest rules strictly in accordance with the provisions on schedule the ceremony.

only wedding finally came to an end, the bride suddenly Warrington, a rare smile. Unfortunately, they have to leave.

all procedures are carried out in the "controllable.". Accompanied by music and petals, the new out of the water on the doors of the church.

and then, they got down on his knees, listen to the father muttered blessings.

Many kinds of

The pianist and singer

traveled around Guam (a)
church built in the sea, has been very create new styles, and on water church wedding, apparently novel and romance. Guam has several cathedral.

the priest finished blessing to leave quickly, turn to the bride and groom exchange solemn vows and pledges. Pacific give witness against them.

has been waiting to take a basket of flowers to give unto them at the door of the Philippines waitress, prompting them to new people coming out and head up.

from the "Rainbow chapel" internal, not only can see the immediate Du dream Bay Hotel, overlooking the Pacific Ocean stretch as far as eye can see also.

and at another hotel not far, also have a seat to the sea -- the crystal cathedral church,http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/images/todsbags-3902.html http://www.oralhealthproducts.com/images/todsbags-3902.html, floating in the sea.
[246] Depressed CK in USA originally workers wear my lov...
お名前: rstu3432 [li611-114.members.linode.com] http://www.modescrystalfashions.com/images/christiandiorbags-3309.html 2015/1/26/(Mon) 05:08
went to American Las Vegas, back have been smiled to friends say, I don't go to Hongkong Le Diandian Amoy CK back, in USA, CK small pants that were migrant workers to wear, is not worth the money and put on times Diaojia, a look that is the inferior citizens. Be home, don't you see a lot of Metrosexual especially Gay, in CK the proud strength -- not just to wear, but also show a little bit of pants head, more than pants, like in the show: brother money, see not, but senior fashion brand Calvin Kline. In junior high school, private school, learn the most is the NIKE, AD have much good. Teenage children wear hundreds of pieces of clothes, at that time I feel very funny. But there is a brand, is my yearning, Haagen dazs. You are now using intelligent ABC play its Pinyin, it is already a vocabulary, directly.

Haagen Dazs ice cream in the world in the temptation to me absolutely equal to LV in the fashion world temptation. Haagen Dazs in China World Trade Center's largest store that has always been the kingdom I yearn for a dream. See dozens of pieces of money in the supermarket a small box of ice cream, I feel it is walking in the street is particularly petty. Although dozens of pieces of money is not what, but dozens of pieces of ice cream, should not be underestimated. And when the introduction of expensive ice cream Hot pot, let me carry wallets hesitated for a long time. Why it has such influence. Probably listen more, began to herd.

2 years ago to America, see the most popular supermarket batch placed Haagen dazs. And very cheap,ボッテガヴェネタ アウトレット http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-content/gallery/banner/bottegaveneta-1620.html, they were beautiful, feel that picked up a big cheap. More than three dollars a barrel, knife. Even if converted into yuan, also much cheaper than China. But since it is not expensive, it is mysterious sense also lost a lot of. Not in the luxury Chinese stores, and a pile of mixed I have not heard of the brand of ice cream together, but the taste is not much. But the hardest hit are brothers, when I dance with the barrel of sacred Haagen Dazs to a America friends, she did not know that this is what brand. Don't want to blow my emotions, she said lightly " is very delicious ice cream? I will have the opportunity to try it. "

the original,モンブラン ボールペン http://www.sprinkool-systems.com/images/graph/montblancpenshop-2629.html, it is not I imagine so divine... Then we Chinese exactly is the pursuit of what? Expensive price?

I finally bought Haagen Dazs to meet my little vanity. The taste is very good. But, some things, it seems the taste. For my own vanity, feel embarrassed.

over time, many in the Chinese we won the superior things, in American exposed the truth. CK is a good example of. In high school, my boyfriend CK perfume, the class, all feel good taste. Now, in the most inexpensive WAR - MART, CK always and some small brand sit. Shopping in the CK ordinary pole, and a root.
[245] ?春のすばらしい事の真相はわからないねウキクサ水新...
お名前: uvwx7032 [li611-114.members.linode.com] http://www.thaidances.com/catalog/data/gucci-bags-outlet-19.html 2015/1/26/(Mon) 04:16





p>,シャネル 財布 http://www.impactglasswall.com/images/chanel-baggu-outlet-35006.html; <誰人ジョークを無駄に拾って.


< ;?春のすばらしい事の真相は分からない>
















すると、永遠にあなたの土壌が生えぬ私の期待の結果、私は永遠の片思い開くあなたの要った花,ウールリッチ レディース http://www.emeraldsurf21.com/rentalinfo/images/down-jackets-outlet-34.html.








[244] 親切で自然の幼稚園面接(写真)?亦?爾楽宝貝新浪のブ...
お名前: qrst9124 [li611-114.members.linode.com] http://www.dayglyn.com/images/photoalbum/marc-jacobs-jp-t-10002.html 2015/1/26/(Mon) 04:15



p>の<接見は1位の体は略胖温和で、態度の若い女の先生.私は先生に聞いたが、モー娘.私もはっきりと大声で先生に朝(おはよう),ルブタン スニーカー http://www.stjosephschoolfreeburg.org/images/christian-louboutin-shoes-outlet-42.html.初めて会った時から、審査に始めた.私」






ない子供に回る園子がそんなに多くの話を書く.ちょうどお母さんが言ってた幼稚園の試?は子どもだけでなく、選択と適応新しい幼稚園の同時に、親同様一緒に種々の挑戦.今日、話を楽楽今回面接過程幼稚園は楽楽参加したことがあるの第三回の面接,アディダスショップ http://bsteinacker.com/Landscapes/Portraits/adidas-shoes-outlet-10002.html.子供にとって何回も遊んでばかりに、親の心には大きな違い.

[243] Have healthy snacks - Series (1) jujube Li Yuanyua...
お名前: abcd3389 [li611-114.members.linode.com] http://www.adhunikgroup.com/power_trading/images/asicsrunshoesjp-1336.html 2015/1/26/(Mon) 03:22
Compared with

compared with the fresh jujube, very little vitamin C and moisture content of the dried dates, while the iron content is higher, if eat together with vitamin C rich food, can promote the absorption of iron. In addition, jujube also contains living components of red dates polysaccharide, saponin,http://www.puda-international.com/web-xby/images/asicsrunshoesjp-1328.html http://www.puda-international.com/web-xby/images/asicsrunshoesjp-1328.html, flavonoid, so since ancient times jujube is a kind of medicinal and edible food. Chinese medicine also believes that the dried red dates with Bu Zhong Yi Qi, nourishing and soothe the nerves role, can be used for the treatment of spleen stomach qi deficiency, blood deficiency chlorosis,http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-content/gallery/banner/bottegaveneta-1603.html http://www.cascata.co.th/wp-content/gallery/banner/bottegaveneta-1603.html, blood deficiency insomnia and other symptoms.

Beijing dietitians club member

Li Yuanyuan

if you buy in bulk, how to choose the superior dates? A look at the. Jujube red skin color, wrinkles as well. If jujube jujube skin wrinkles more, traces of deep, may be made from meat is poor or immature fresh jujube; two view. If jujube stem end of perforation or attached with a dark brown powder, this shows that the dates may have eaten.

Newspaper and magazine writer

two national public nutritionist

of nutrition and food hygiene of master

healthy snacks series (1): jujube

and apple, peach, citrus and other common fruit, jujube nutrient density is high, especially containing high carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, proved once again "are concentrated essence" in food can also apply the truth. Although dates after processing to a certain extent, in fact, and processed foods than normal jujube processing "traces" is not obvious, and no extra added a lot of sugar and food additive, belonging to a healthy choice in the snack.

but dates sugar content of about 60-70%, and contains lignin, the recommended daily a few can, eat too many aspects of sugar intake is too high, on the other hand, may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Tel: 13702153492
[242] 「西海岸タトゥー芸術展」の刺?を目の前の花の宋新浪...
お名前: pqrs8018 [li611-114.members.linode.com] http://www.itcc.or.th/product/images/adidasshoesjp-1228.html 2015/1/26/(Mon) 03:21
時p <2012年4月29日バンクーバー西海岸タトゥー芸術展




が太っている美しい女の子ブースはおもしろい,ナイキ シューズ http://www.ieem.org/docs/back/nikeshoesjp-1115.html.

p> <花アーム花刺繍足、本当に驚愕だ.


は友達の話である肉嫩の部位が少し痛いけれど、この兄弟たちが倒れてから、楽しもう,アグ クラシックミニ http://www.adhunikgroup.com/power_trading/images/uggboots-1507.html.





パンク?年の最愛のは依然として欧米OLDSCHOOLスタイルの刺?が、OLDSCHOOLずっと1つの経典のベテランは難攻不落のスタイル、スカル、馬蹄掌、幸運草、カミソリ、ツバメ、クラシックカーなど、これらはすべてOLD SCHOOL不可欠な素材ですが、必ず定はバンクーバー添加、欠かせない多くのアジアの要素を取り入れながら.




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